6893 AD Astra Boulevard (Located at the corner of 145 Ave & Castledowns Road) Directions →



M A K E  Y O U R  S M I L E
M  E  M  O  R  A  B  L  E


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Our Services

Dental Hygiene

From routine dental cleaning to advice on keeping your teeth healthy at home, our dental hygiene services help our patients to prevent serious dental problems in the future and promote a bright and healthy smile. We recommend visiting our hygienist once every six months to arrange professional cleaning. 

Periodontal Maintenance

Did you know that three out of four adults are affected by periodontal disease at some time in their life? The good news is that our periodontal maintenance treatments can help you to prevent periodontal disease and other problems. Book an appointment today with our team. 


Filling cavities as soon as they occur can prevent root canal procedures and extractions being required. Cavities typically have no symptoms, which is why a biannual visit to your dentist is so important. We offer a number of different options to our patients and will help you to choose the best treatment to suit your needs. 


While thorough brushing and flossing help to remove plaque and food particles from the surface of your teeth, dental sealants can provide extra protection to the areas that your toothbrush can miss. Our sealants are designed to get into the natural grooves and pitted areas of your teeth to protect your teeth from decay. 

Root Canal

We will always do everything in our power to prevent our patients from losing a tooth to infection or damage. Our root canal procedure involves removing the damaged part of the tooth and cleaning, disinfecting, filling and sealing it. If you are worried that a root canal will be painful, don’t be. We offer advanced anesthesia and surgical options that will keep you as comfortable as possible. 


When a tooth is beyond repair, we may need to extract it. Most teeth can be removed using a simple extraction process, but in more complex cases we offer surgical extraction to our patients. We will always do all we can to save your tooth using a crown, filling or other suitable dental treatment.


Crowns are an ideal way to repair broken teeth or teeth that have been weakened by a large filling or tooth decay. We offer a number of different types of crown, including porcelain and ceramic and we will match the color of your crown to the natural color of your teeth to ensure a beautiful smile. 


Whether you are considering a bridge to improve your bite or the appearance of your smile, we can help. Bridges, or partial dentures as they are also known, are a great way to replace missing teeth and prevent food from getting in gaps and causing tooth decay. 


We use inlays to repair larger cavities where a conventional filling would not be sufficient or to mend large surfaces of back teeth. Onlays are similar to inlays, but a little larger. They can be used instead of crowns or caps and extend onto the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to replace one or more cusps. 

Implant Restoration

One of the best ways to replace a missing tooth and restore a beautiful smile is to replace it with a dental implant. Our implant restorations provide a healthier alternative to conventional tooth replacement methods without bone loss or weakening of the jaw bone. 


Invisalign is the world’s most advanced clear aligner system and allows you to straighten and perfect your smile at home. In fact, with this revolutionary system, you could get a straighter smile in as little as 3 months. 

Cosmetic Dentistry

In addition to our general dental services, we are proud to offer our patients a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services and procedures, including veneers, teeth whitening, bridges and crowns. 


Veneers are similar to crowns but are used to improve the appearance of the teeth at the front of the mouth. We precisely match the natural colour of your tooth to create a beautiful smile that lasts.


No matter how well you look after your teeth, stains and discolouration can often still occur. Our teeth whitening procedures restore the natural and beautiful whiteness of your teeth safely and effectively and give you a smile to be proud of. 


We offer denture solutions that are natural looking, attractive and easy to care for. Whether you have lost teeth due to illness, an accident or deficient care, we can help to restore your smile and confidence with some of the best dentures available today.


It’s never too early to start teaching children the importance of good oral hygiene. We welcome patients of all ages to our practice and our calm environment will help to ensure your child feels comfortable and at ease the moment they walk through the door. From regular checkups to visits to our hygienist, we will ensure your child’s teeth get the best care. 


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